My Story

After having a child who battles with eczema since the age of 6 months and doctors not being able to give results needed to help relieve my baby's red, itchy and irritated skin. I was on a mission to finding a solution that not only helped but that was not chemically based. Who knew all the time, the products were sitting on my dresser just ready to be mixed and applied. After seeing the needed results and encouragement from my family, I decided to create a naturally based skin care line as well as a clean fragrance line, that allows those with sensitive skin and allergies to be able to have products that not only help the skin but that smell amazing. My continued mission has been to help my family and others as well! All of our products are made with the highest-grade ingredients, and we back them up 100%

Why We Care!
When you have tried just about every skincare product there is, and your skin is still just as dry, red, itchy and irritated as it was before. Just know that we understand. We once asked,
'Why me? Why my skin? and Can I just find one thing that works?'
Well, here is where we jump in to save you!
Creating products that are made with natural ingredients, to aide in the health of the skin and to nourish the skin, has been a great joy! But what sparks the love and joy even more is providing products that smell just as amazing and does not irritate the skin.
We CARE because we were once you!
We CARE because you deserve to have healthy happy skin!
We CARE because you deserve to love the skin you are in!
We CARE because you deserve affordable products that work, that make you feel good and that smell like luxury without breaking the bank!
This is, WHY WE CARE!

  When I say 'We' or 'Us,' it refers to my children and me. Because they are not only my inspiration, motivation, and cheerleaders but my reasons why I do what I do.

We THANK YOU for supporting us!